Dogs can get sick for any number of reasons, and this includes stomach troubles like diarrhea. The causes for dog diarrhea can range from simple, treatable issues to more severe and potentially dangerous diseases.
Improper Diet
The primary reason dogs contract diarrhea is improper diet. If a dog fails to eat proper commercial dogs foods with enough protein, diarrhea is a common side effect. Select a food based on a pet's size, age and lifestyle. Also, avoid giving dogs table food, as this can cause irregularities in a dog's health, including diarrhea.
Neglect from pet owners can cause hurt feelings and lead to an imbalance in a pet's nerves, thereby bringing on diarrhea. Pet owners should make it a point to spend time with their dogs, including taking walks, playing and petting.
Parasites and bacteria are common causes of diarrhea. These are often contracted when a dog digs in the trash looking for food, as these areas are breeding grounds for internal parasites. Plus, much of the food devoured in these instances can cause stomach problems in dogs.
Stale Food and Water
Once a pet is through eating, remove the remaining food and toss it out, as leaving it there for a pet to eat again can prove problematic. If left out for a while, food and water can develop mold and fungus, which can lead to diarrhea. Pick up leftover food, and change a dog's water daily.
Intestinal Issues
Diseases in the small intestine and large intestine can result in diarrhea, as well as blood in the stool. Upon seeing blood in the stool, whether in diarrhea or a standard bowel movement, get a dog to a veterinarian as soon as possible.