What Are the Early Signs Your Dog Is Pregnant?

Dogs, unlike humans, do not have the benefit of a blood or urine pregnancy test to determine whether they are pregnant. If you are unsure of when your dog has mated or suspect that she may be pregnant, you will need to look at the signs and symptoms she displays.

  1. Early Pregnancy: Days 1 to 30

    • Dog pregnancies progress similarly to human pregnancies in their early stages. No outward signs are visible for the first few weeks after conception occurs. The first changes occur at about two weeks after conception and are centered around the nipples, which will begin to swell and darken. The fur around her nipples will begin to thin, exposing the nipples for the pups' access.

      Another early pregnancy sign similar to the changes found in a human pregnancy is morning sickness. This will start at about three weeks after conception. Signs of this include vomiting and a loss of appetite, similar to a woman.

    Late Pregnancy: Days 30 to Birth

    • Canine pregnancy lasts approximately 50 to 70 days, depending upon the dog. After the initial signs of nipple changes and morning sickness, the pregnancy becomes more obvious. At about 30 days, the heartbeats of the pups can be heard using a stethoscope. This is the stage where an ultrasound will be able to determine the health of the pups and help prepare you for any issues your dog may have during her delivery.

      If your dog is comfortable, the embryos can also be felt through your dog's abdominal wall. They will be roughly walnut-sized and you will be able to determine how many pups to expect.

      As the birth draws closer, your dogs nipples will swell and may begin to leak colostrum. If your dog allows you to place a hand on her abdomen, you will be able to feel the pups squirming.

    The Birth

    • The final 24 to 48 hours before the birth is when your dog will begin to prepare for her labor. She may exhibit "nesting behavior," carrying newspapers, blankets and soft materials to the area where she intends to give birth. You may also see some vaginal secretions and her body temperature will drop to around 98 degrees. Once the temperature drop occurs and is held for twelve hours, the birth will occur roughly in the next 24 hours, so prepare for your new puppies.