Holistic Medicines for Dogs With Cancer

Holistic remedies have been used for thousands of years in various forms. According to Dr. Richard Pitcairn, in his book, ̶0;Natural Health for Dogs & Cats," the view of most holistic practitioners is that illness is the manifestation of an out-of-balance condition in the dog̵7;s body. (See Ref. 1). Although the cancer may be present in one organ, it is largely the result of an unhealthy condition involving the whole body. The condition can be a result of many outside influences, including diet, environmental pollutants and emotional upset.

  1. Acupuncture

    • According to Alternative Veterinary Medicine, acupuncture has been used in treating animals for thousands of years. The Chinese believe that when an animal is healthy, there is a circulation of a ̶0;life force̶1; that travels along channels on the skin. (See Ref. 2) These channels are known as meridians. Each meridian is connected to internal organs, muscles, joints and the nervous system. There are specific acupuncture points along these meridians that influence the flow of the ̶0;life force̶1; or chi. When an animal is in a diseased condition, the chi is blocked. Stimulation of the acupuncture points, either by ultra-thin needles or electrical impulses, can manipulate the energy flow.


    • Frequently a side effect of cancer is loss of appetite and subsequent loss of weight. The dog needs a high level of nutrition to maintain function and fight off the cancer. Essentially, the food needs to have the highest possible nutritional value per ounce. High quality proteins are vital. These come in the form of fish, chicken, beef and turkey. Raw or lightly cooked fresh meats are best. If the fresh approach is not chosen, seek out a quality commercial preparation. The food should have high protein content, with meat listed in the top ingredients. According to Bone Cancer Dogs, cancer cells need carbohydrates to grow. (See Ref. 3). Opt for a food that is low in simple carbohydrates, such as milk, fruit and sugar, and complex carbohydrates found in starchy vegetables. Adding digestive enzymes to the food can help to aid in digestion and retain the maximum nutrients of the food.


    • Holistic medicine practitioners believe that antioxidant supplementation is beneficial to a dog suffering from cancer. Supplements known to have antioxidant qualities include vitamin E, fish oil, vitamin A and vitamin C. These supplements work to reduce inflammation in the body, believed to contribute to a weakened immune system.

    Herbal Medicines

    • Herbal medicine uses whole plants and plant extracts to treat cancer. It is believed that Chinese, Indian and western herbs can be used to bring the body back into a state of healthy balance. Many conventional medicines are derived from herbs, but often the vital life force of the plant is diluted by chemical additions.

    Massage Therapy

    • Massage therapy is used as a method to relax the dog. Stress is known to suppress the immune system and inhibit healing. Often the dog is stressed due to treatments, effects of the disease or even by his owner̵7;s anxiety over the illness. Relaxation through massage creates a state that allows the dog̵7;s body to heal and repair itself.