Canine Immunodeficiency Disorder Symptoms

Canine immunodeficiency disorder is caused by a developmental block during maturation of the immune system, according to World Small Animal Veterinarian Association. In most cases, canine immunodeficiency disorder is fatal, but symptomatic and antimicrobial therapy can help to prolong a dog's life. It's important to know the symptoms to look for in a dog with this disorder.

  1. Omphalophlebitis

    • Omphalophlebitis is a term that refers to an infection at the umbilical cord site, according to the "Provet Health Care" website. This symptom can show up when a dog is two to four months old.


    • Inappetance is also know as anorexia. When a dog doesn't want to eat, it can be a sign of immunodeficiency disorder.


    • Gingivitis is another symptom of this disorder. It causes a dog's gums to become bright red and swollen.

    Lymph Node Enlargement

    • When an immune system is challenged, it can show up in the lymph nodes. An early sign of immunodeficiency disorder in dogs is lymph nodes that are larger than normal. A dog's lymph nodes are located below the jaw's angle, behind the knees, and on each of the dog's legs, at the point where the legs meet the body.

    High White Blood Cell Count

    • It's important that a dog be taken to the veterinarian for regular checkups so blood samples can be taken. Blood test results that show a high count of white blood cells can be a sign that something is wrong.

    Metaphyseal Osteodystrophy

    • Metaphyseal osteodystrophy is a developmental disease that is characterized by a limp and swollen limbs, according to the University of Pennsylvania. This disease can be a sign of a greater problem, which is canine immunodeficiency disorder.

    Craniomandibular Osteopathy

    • Craniomandibular osteopathy is a bone disease that affects the skull, lower jaw and the bones surrounding the middle ear. The bones become inflamed or enlarged. The signs of this disease are a swollen jaw, difficulty eating or an inability to open the mouth.


    • Another sign of canine immunodeficiency disorder is osteomyelitis, an infection of the bones. The bone tissue can become infected by bacteria, usually staphylococcal bacteria, according to the website "Go Pets America." Outward signs of this deficiency are limping, fever, depression and a loss of appetite.

    Respiratory Disease

    • When a dog's immune system is not working properly, it can result in respiratory problems. Respiratory diseases like interstitial pneumonia are a sign of an immune disorder.