The Best Home Remedy for Killing Fleas That Won't Hurt Children

When considering that a single flea can bite your pet--and your children--up to 400 times in a single day, you are going to want to get rid of them as quickly, effectively and safely as possible. Even more alarming is that fleas transmit other parasites, such as tapeworm, roundworm and hookworm, that are also transmissible to people. Children are especially at risk, as they don't always wash their hands after handling a pet, and also because their skin is often more sensitive to fleabites. Fortunately, there are several safe and effective ways to kill fleas and prevent infestations.

Things You'll Need

  • Garlic
  • Brewer's yeast
  • Neem
  • 1/2 lemon
  • 2 qt. water


    • 1
      Garlic is effective, but some dogs are sensitive to it.

      Apply garlic and/or brewer's yeast to your pet's food. For dog's under 50 lb., apply 1/4 to 1/2 tsp. garlic and yeast to food daily. For larger dogs, apply up to 2 tsp. daily, and for cats, limit yeast and garlic to 1/8 tsp. per day. You may also choose to purchase yeast and garlic wafers, available in powder and liquid form. Keep in mind, however, that some pets are sensitive to garlic and may experience gastrointestinal problems, such as gas, vomiting and loose stools. Should any of these symptoms occur, try yeast on its own or pursue an alternative method of killing fleas.

    • 2

      Apply neem, an Indian herb available in oil or lotion form, to your pet's skin. As the vast majority of fleas gravitate to the anus, do not neglect this area when applying neem. Though neem is also safe for children, some pets are particularly sensitive to neem and may experience an adverse effect. Inspect your pet's skin daily when applying neem, and pursue an alternative method at the first sign of an adverse reaction, such as a rash, redness or increased itching.

    • 3
      Lemon juice kills fleas.

      Place 2 qt. water and half a sliced lemon in a stove pot, bring to a roiling boil and reduce heat to simmer for 20 to 30 minutes. After allowing the lemon water to cool, place it in a spray bottle and allow it to sit for 12 hours, before spraying your pet directly or applying a sprayed towel to your pet's skin. Though it may not be the quickest way to kill fleas--citrus is poisonous to fleas only when consumed in large doses--it is also one of the safest methods for pets and children.