Signs of Pregnancy in a Small Dog

Just because a small female dog (bitch) may be bred while she is in heat does not mean that she will definitely become pregnant. There are a few signs and symptoms that you can watch for in case of pregnancy. However, the best way to diagnose pregnancy is to have her examined by a veterinarian.

  1. First Signs

    • If you are anxious to find out if your dog has become pregnant, there are a few signs you can look for early in the pregnancy cycle. For the first few weeks, the female may show subtle signs such as wanting more attention, eating more than normal and her nipples may become slightly enlarged.

    Morning Sickness

    • According to, morning sickness in dogs has not been well documented. But there are many breeders who insist that they notice vomiting in the early stages of pregnancy. The female may experience a loss of appetite during this time due to the higher levels of progesterone and the stretching of the uterus, stated by If your dog begins vomiting, it should only last a couple of days. If the vomiting persists longer than a few days, she should be seen by a veterinarian to rule out any other conditions.

    Four Weeks

    • Around four to five weeks of pregnancy you may notice a clear vaginal discharge with a mucous consistency from your dog.

    Day 28

    • By day 28 of the pregnancy, palpation (feeling with hands) should be able to provide proof of pregnancy by being able to feel the puppies inside of the mother dog. Palpating should be done only by experienced hands so that you know exactly what you are feeling, and to make sure that you do not hurt the dog or pups. You can ask your veterinarian to explain how to palpate for puppies for future use. Puppies will be easier to feel in smaller breeds than in larger breeds, according to

    Day 40

    • By day 40 of the pregnancy, the nipples should enlarge and darken, and the belly should be noticeably larger. Later in the pregnancy, milk will be able to be expressed from the nipples. Be aware that some dogs may exhibit nipple enlargement during a false pregnancy, but there will be no milk.