How to Treat Dog Ear Problems

Dogs with long ears are especially prone to ear infections, but at some point, just about every dog will pick up a bacterial or yeast infection in their ears. A trip to the veterinarian may be necessary, but there are some home remedies you can try as a means of preventing and even treating ear infections in dogs.

Things You'll Need

  • Cotton Balls
  • Water
  • Plastic container
  • Isopropyl alcohol
  • White vinegar


  1. How to Treat Dog Ear Infections

    • 1

      Mix equal parts of water, vinegar and rubbing alcohol.

    • 2

      Soak a cotton ball in the mixture and squeeze lightly. Place the cotton ball in your dog's affected ear and squeeze gently.

    • 3
      Dog's ears.

      Remove the cotton ball and massage your dog's ear gently for one minute at the base.

    • 4

      Take a dry cotton ball and wipe along the inside of your dog's ear to remove the wax and dirt.

    • 5
      A dog with clean ears is a happy dog.

      Allow your dog to shake its head to remove any excess liquid, as trapped water can cause ear infections in dogs.