Dog to Human Skin Diseases

When your dog comes down with a skin disease, it is important to take him to the veterinarian. Not only do most canine skin diseases require treatment before they get better, certain diseases are also transmittable to humans. It is important to know about these diseases to not only treat your dog but to protect yourself and your family.

  1. Ringworm

    • Ringworm is a type of fungus that is transmittable from dogs to humans. It is most often found in climates that are humid and hot. The most common symptoms of a ringworm infection are small, scaly lesions that are devoid of hair. According to, these lesions most often appear on the head, but also grow on other parts of the body as well. In most situations, ringworm will heal on its own in a few months, but severe cases require medication. While ringworm is transmittable to humans, those with suppressed or compromised immune systems are at a much greater risk of contracting it.

    Sarcoptic Mange

    • Another skin disease that can spread from dogs to humans is sarcoptic mange. This disease is caused by the parasite Sarcoptes scabiei, a tiny mite. The most common symptoms of sarcoptic mange are loss of hair and intense itching. According to, it most commonly affects the elbows, ears, belly and chest. Secondary infections from sores that have been itched open is another risk of mange. Luckily, there are many medicines available to treat sarcoptic mange. Also, the form transmitted to humans from dogs is self-limiting with mild symptoms.


    • MRSA is another name for the Staphylococcus aureus bacteria. It can cause serious infections of the skin and also penetrate into the blood, causing septicemia. It most often affects dogs with dermatitis. When the dog scratches itself, its nails break the skin. If the MRSA bacterium enters the wound, it can then cause an infection. MRSA is resistant to many antibiotics, so it is important to avoid infection. The best way to prevent a MRSA infection is to frequently wash your hands.