Eradicating fleas and ticks from your dog not only alleviates irritation, but minimizes the transmission of other diseases and parasites. While taking a blood meal from a dog, ticks are capable of transferring lyme disease, and fleas pass on tapeworms. It is important to eliminate these parasites from your dog to minimize health risks. ProMeris Duo is a broad spectrum anti-parasitic used to control both fleas and ticks.
Active Ingredients
Metaflumizone is the active ingredient used to rid the dog of fleas. It works by interfering with the flea's nervous system. The flea is unable to feed, becomes paralyzed and dies. Amitraz is the second active ingredient of ProMeris Duo. It provides tick control by disrupting the nervous system. The tick is paralyzed, unable to feed and releases from the dog and dies.
Fleas and Ticks
Promeris Duo is proven to control two flea species and protect from re-infestation for up to six weeks in dogs. Ctenocephalides canis (dog flea) and Ctenocephalides felis (cat flea) are susceptible to metaflumizone. ProMeris Duo is labeled to kill five types of ticks. The Sheep tick and Black-Legged tick also known as the Deere tick, which can transmit Lyme disease are controlled. Brown dog ticks which can transmit Ehrlichia canis (bacterial infection) and Lone star ticks which transfer Ehrlichia chaffeensis (rickettsiales bacteria) are eliminated. ProMeris Duo will also kill the American dog Tick which transmits Rocky Mountain spotted fever.
Demodectic Mange
Mange is chronic and debilitating if not treated. Demodectic mange is a painful skin disease triggered by mites. Mange causes skin lesions, hair loss and crusty, irritated skin. The skin may appear oily and some dogs develop secondary bacterial skin infections and other problems. Demodectic mange is chronic, debilitating and treatment is difficult. ProMeris Duo is labeled for the treatment of this disease.
ProMeris is waterproof but shampooing should be minimized. Remove the applicator from the pouch and hold upright for three seconds to minimize a splash when opening. Once opened, apply the product directly on to the dog's skin between the shoulder blades. This will prevent the dog from licking it off before it dries. Once dry, ProMeris Duo is waterproof and still effective after swimming. However, bathing with shampoo should be minimized.
Consult a veterinarian for purchase. ProMeris Duo is only available by prescription and safe for once a month dosing. If a parasite infestation is suspected, consult a veterinarian for product purchase and dosing guidelines.
Do not use on animals known to be sensitive or allergic to Metaflumizone or Amitraz. ProMeris is not labeled for use in puppies less than eight weeks of age. Before using with other medications, consult a veterinarian to avoid interactions or adverse reactions.
Temporary irritation may occur at the site of application. Treated area may remain oily for up to 24 hours. Overdose is rare. If ingested, the dog may become lethargic.
Following application, a temporary eucalyptus scent may be detected.