Kennel Cough & Eye Discharge

Kennel cough is a common dog disease affecting all breeds and ages. It is similar to a common cold in humans and is acquired by kennel stays. There are many symptoms associated with the illness, including eye discharge.

  1. Name

    • Kennel cough received its name because it is a virus found particularly in kennels. The virus attacks the bronchial lungs and creates an infection of the dog's throat.


    • Dry cough, fever, lethargy and a lack of appetite are the prevalent symptoms. Nasal or eye discharge, which is yellow or green in color, is also seen in this disease. The discharge is not contagious.


    • There is no known cure for kennel cough, and symptom relief is the primary treatment. Rest, warmth, and a humid environment and allowing the illness to run its course are the typical recommendations by veterinarians.


    • In the case of eye discharge, the area can be washed with a warm cloth and gentle cleansing. The nasal discharge can also be cleansed in the same manner. There are not any drops available to help clear up either discharge.


    • Isolation is the best prevention, along with a vaccination available by licensed veterinarians. If you must leave your pet in a kennel it is vital to have the vaccination prior to the stay.