Your dog's health often depends on the type of diet you provide. Dry dog food high in grains and fiber are usually not sufficient for a dog's diet. Supplements with omega fatty acids are usually the key to preventing cancer and other diseases. Even dogs who have already succumbed to cancer can benefit from omega fatty acids in the form of omega-3. Although some cancers cannot be cured, supplementing your dog's diet with omega-3 can improve his quality of life by enhancing his immune system.
What Is Omega-3?
Omega-3 must come in the form of food or supplements since the body cannot create it naturally. Omega-3 is an essential fatty acid with anti-inflammatory effects. Because dogs cannot make omega-3 fatty acids in their body, they can only obtain it through the food they eat. Omega-3 provides important nutrients for a healthy immune system to support heart, vision, mental and joint health. It is one of the most commonly used nutritional supplements in treating sick animals with a variety of conditions including kidney disease, arthritis and high cholesterol.
How Does Omega-3 Help Cancer Patients?
According to Dr. Ogilvie from the College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences at Colorado State University in Fort Collins, cancer cells cannot use fats for energy. Therefore, supplementing your pet's diet with essential fats increases your pet's immune system. Omega-3 helps increase the cancer patient's energy and stops tumor growth.
What Products Have Omega-3?
Fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Fish such as tuna and salmon, certain nuts and flax seeds are high in omega-3 fatty acids. Fish oil supplements can be found at your local pet stores.
How To Take Omega 3?
Supplement your dog's diet with fish oil capsules. Supplement your dog's diet with omega-3 fatty acids in the form of soft gel capsules in the approximate amount of 1000 mg of gel per 20 pounds of body weight daily. Break or cut open the capsule and sprinkle the fish oil in your dog's food. Do not mix omega-3 fatty acids with omega-6 fatty acids, which can actually cause cancer cells to grow faster.
Some fish may be contaminated with chemicals. Ensure the type of fish oil supplement you provide is free from additives. Alternatively, if you plan on cooking the fish yourself for your pet, buy wild caught instead of farmed fish to ensure the fish is low in toxic pollutants such as mercury and dioxins.
Anti-Cancer Diet
Grains such as corn should not be fed to your dog. Besides omega-3 fatty acids, other components of the anti-cancer diet, according to Dr. Ogilvie, a veterinarian that specializes in dog cancer patients, include small amounts of complex carbohydrates, minimal quantities of simple sugars, and moderate amounts of high quality digestible proteins and amino acids. Other anti-oxidant and cancer fighting supplements include vitamin E, beta-carotene and coenzyme Q. Immediately stop feeding your pet processed commercial pet food. Instead, prepare homemade food free from grains including corn, rice and wheat. Dogs with cancer do not produce enough of the enzymes required to digest grains which strains their digestive system.