Green Eye Boogers in Dogs

Eye pain or irritation is often difficult to notice in dogs. For dog owners, one of the first noticeable signs of an eye condition is discharge from the eye. Some eye conditions are not serious, but others can affect the dog's eyesight. Knowing about eye discharge, such as green eye boogers, may help keep a dog's eyes healthy.

  1. Causes

    • Green eye discharge is a common sign of infection. If the dog has a foreign body in the eye, such as a piece of grass or dirt for a period of time, green eye boogers may appear as well. However, foreign bodies often cause excessive eye watering and redness before a green discharge appears. A dog with a scratch from a stick or toy may also present with eye mucous.

    Other Symptoms

    • Along with green discharge, the white part of the dog's eye may appear red, and the eyelids may be inflamed. With some conditions, the eyelids will be crusty, and the dog may have difficulty opening his eyes. Watch for signs of irritation or pain, typically noticeable by the dog rubbing his forearms or paws at his face. He may also be lethargic and not want to play or eat. If the dog starts to bump into objects, vision may be affected.


    • If the dog's eyes appear irritated, or the condition does not improve, contact the veterinarian immediately. She will evaluate the dog's condition by examining his eyes with a special scope. The vet may put drops in each eye that stain the surface for a short time, and this will help her look for a surface scratch or other condition.


    • Based on the findings during her examination, the doctor will determine any necessary treatment. If an eye infection is the cause, antibiotic eye drops will most likely be prescribed. Keep in mind that if there is only a small amount of discharge and no signs of discomfort, a trip to the veterinarian may not be necessary. Apply warm compresses to the eye throughout the day. If the symptoms do not improve or worsen, contact your veterinarian for an appointment.


    • Prescription eye drops, if required for treatment, should be used for the full period of time prescribed. Even though symptoms may improve after a few doses, continuing the prescribed dosage will ensure that the infection, or underlying condition, is resolved and will help to prevent further outbreak of green eye boogers and discharge.