How to Potty Train a Teacup Chihuahua

Teacup chihuahuas are coveted for their small size, but that means they have an equally small bladder! Teacup chihuahua puppies may only be able to hold their bladder as long as a half hour, and a full grown adult may still need to relieve himself every four hours. Consistency is the key to teaching your teacup chihuahua where to relieve himself. If he isn't allowed to make mistakes, he never will.


  1. Potty Training

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      Keep a journal of when your teacup chihuahua relieves herself. If you feed her at the same time each day, her schedule will be fairly consistent. Record how many times your dog generally goes during each break so that you don't cut her bathroom breaks short, causing her to go in the house. Some dogs will go two or three times each time you let them out.

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      Crate train your puppy in a crate just big enough for him to stand up and turn around. Fill it with a nice bed and give him treats while he's inside. If you can't supervise your teacup, he should be in his crate. If he's able to roam the house freely, he will find a place to make a mistake.

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      If your puppy can hold it for an hour, take her outside each hour. Wait with her to make sure that she goes the allotted number of times for that time of day. If she doesn't go, put her in her crate or tether her to an area where you can constantly watch her. Take her out again after 15 to 30 minutes. If she goes, she earns house freedom. If not, she goes back in confinement.

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      Repeat each hour. Reward your dog for relieving himself outside. As your dog can hold it longer, the bathroom breaks will become less frequent.