How to Treat a Canine with Dry Skin

A dog can suffer from dry skin for many different reasons. Dry skin is defined as skin cells that die and slough off at a faster than normal rate. This condition is also known as dandruff. While there are many reasons for a dog to have persistent dry skin, there are only a few tried and true remedies that will help alleviate the problem.

Things You'll Need

  • Oatmeal shampoo
  • Neem oil
  • Brush
  • Fish oil capsules, canola oil or vegetable oil


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      Bathe your dog. Before administering any sort of topical treatment, bathe your dog with a skin moisturizing shampoo that contains colloidal oatmeal. This serves two purposes: 1) it removes any dead, flaky skin from his body; 2) it adds a layer of protection on top of the skin to prevent any additional damage. While excessive bathing can cause dry skin, not bathing your dog can also be a root cause of the problem. Make sure that the shampoo does not contain any ingredients designed to kill fleas or ticks, as these will only aggravate the problem.

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      Spritz him with oil. After the bath and your dog is dry, spritz him with neem oil to help the skin retain its moisture. You can also spritz him every few days, though not every day as this will make his coat oily and sticky.

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      Brush him from head to tail. Daily brushing is not only enjoyable for most dogs, but it also serves a purpose: it helps distribute the natural oils of the skin over the body and reduces dry skin symptoms.

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      Add fat to your dog's diet. Drizzle a little oil onto his daily fare, or by give him fish oil capsules. Changing his food to a high quality diet may also help.

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      Take your dog to the vet. If all else fails, your dog's dry skin may be a symptom of another, more serious condition. If you cannot get your dog's dry skin under control, take him to see his veterinarian for diagnostic testing. He may have something as simple as topical or intestinal parasites, or it could be an autoimmune disease, such as pemphigus.