Prednisone is used to treat inflammation from allergies in canines, but on rare occasions, it can cause an allergic reaction of its own. Pet owners should use caution with this and any other medications.
Signs of Allergic Reaction
If your dog has difficulty breathing or his lips, tongue or face swell or hives appear after a dose of prednisone, he may be allergic to the drug. Take him to the vet immediately.
Allergic Reaction vs. Side Effects
A serious allergic reaction should not be confused with side effects. Possible side effects of canine prednisone are insomnia, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, muscle weakness and increased hunger or thirst.
Anaphylaxis is a rare, severe allergic reaction that must be treated immediately. It may come on suddenly after a dose of prednisone. Common signs include diarrhea, vomiting, shock (rapid heart rate, slow pulse and pale gums) and facial swelling.
Atopy means "unusual reaction." Atopic dogs have an inherited susceptibility to allergic reactions of all kinds. Atopic dogs are more likely to have allergic reactions to prednisone.
A high number of retrievers are predisposed to allergies. Retrievers and terriers are more likely to have atopic reactions to prednisone than other breeds. Younger dogs are more susceptible to allergies, while senior dogs are less likely to have an allergic reaction.