How to Treat Sarcoptic Mange in Multiple Dogs

Since sarcoptic mange is so contagious, it is common for pet owners to have more than one dog affected with the problem. Fortunately, treating multiple dogs for sarcoptic mange, also called scabies, is not much more difficult than treating one dog. In fact, some owners prefer that both of their dogs become affected at the same time instead of just one, so that they don't have to keep the canines separated. By following a few simple techniques, it is possible to treat multiple dogs for sarcoptic mange.

Things You'll Need

  • Amitraz, mitaban or lyme sulfur dips
  • Selamectin
  • Oral ivermectin or milbemycin oxime
  • Insecticide spray that contains permethrins


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      Apply amitraz, mitaban or lyme sulfur dips to your dogs, states Pet Education.

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      Apply selamectin to the skin between the dogs' shoulder blade areas. Selamectin also provides flea, tick and heartworm prevention along with treatments for mange. Some multiple dog owners prefer this method as it makes giving their dogs these preventatives and treating mange much simpler, as they are combined into one product.

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      Administer oral ivermectin or milbemycin oxime to your dogs. While used off-label, many veterinarians prefer using ivermectin to treat scabies, including Dr. Mike Richards of Vet Info.

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      Treat your dogs' environments for the mite that causes sarcoptic mange. The mites will continue to affect and infect the dogs unless they are removed from the environment. Pet Education suggests using an insecticide spray that contains permethrins on the animals' bedding and toys. Because of the mites' life cycle and ability to live off of a host, treatment must occur for four weeks to be completely effective.