How to Force Feed a Dog Fluids

Whether your dog is sick and refusing to drink water, or needs to take liquid medicine, sometimes it is necessary to force feed fluids. A calm demeanor in the owner helps put the dog at ease, as dogs can sense tension and stress. A dog owner should consult a veterinarian if the dog is not drinking, as the dog could become dehydrated and need an IV drip. A vet can also tell whether the dog's refusal to drink is due to a serious illness or a passing virus.

Things You'll Need

  • Plastic syringe or turkey baster
  • Water or liquid medicine


    • 1

      Use a plastic syringe, turkey baster or other tool to hold the fluid and to feed the dog. A syringe with a pointed tip is often easier because it can go further into the dog's mouth and avoid spillage.

    • 2

      Place your thumb in the corner of the dog's mouth, between its teeth and cheek. If the dog struggles, remain calm and take it slowly. Seek the assistance of a veterinarian if the dog still struggles.

    • 3

      Insert the tip of the syringe into the pouch between the dog's teeth and cheek. Do not force the syringe too far into the dog's mouth or you could choke him.

    • 4

      Force the fluids down the dog's throat by pushing on the end of the syringe until the fluid comes out of the tip. The fluids may spill out and this may need to be repeated until the liquid goes down the dog's throat. The process becomes easier with practice.