Home Remedies for Tape Worms in Dogs

Tape worms are parasites that infect dogs and other animals. Medicine can treat this problem, but you can also try natural home remedies if you're looking for something less invasive. Herbs and other natural treatments may take longer to work, but the side effects are less severed compared with prescription worm medications.

  1. Pumpkin Seeds and Wheat Germ Oil

    • A simple home remedy to rid your dog of tapeworms involves mixing pumpkin seeds and wheat germ oil in his food. You'll find both of these items at your health food store and they are also safe for human consumption. Blend the ingredients in with your dog's food and provide extra water. You can do this every day until the infection clears up.

    Diamtomaceous Earth

    • The Earth Clinic website also recommends giving your dog Diamtomaceous Earth, a treatment found in most health food stores or on-line. Mix this herb with your dog's food; he shouldn't be able to recognize the taste. Add the herb to his food until the infection disappears. Monitor your dog's behavior and check to see if his stools return to normal.

    Cayenne Pepper and Raw Garlic

    • Earth Clinic recommends giving your dog raw garlic and cayenne pepper to kill tapeworms and other parasites. The ingredients create in your dog's digestive tract an inhospitable environment for worms and other invaders. However, it may be difficult to get your dog to ingest these foods because of the strong taste. Blend chopped garlic cloves and cayenne with rich, wet dog food. The taste of the food should mask the garlic and pepper. If your dog is sensitive to the taste, start slow and gradually give him more over time. See if your dog begins passing the worms through his bowel movements. Worms come out in segments so it will take time to see results. Continue treating your dog for an entire month if you still see worms. Stop the treatment when your dog's bowel movements return to normal.