Yeast Infection of the Eye in Dogs

Yeast infections can occur in dogs as well as humans. Dogs can develop a yeast infection of the eyes, ears or skin. If your dog has symptoms of a yeast infection, it is important to seek the advice of a veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment.

  1. Identification

    • Yeast lives on the surface of all living things. A dog with a healthy immune system can often fight off these yeast infections. If a dog has an immune system that is compromised, then chronic yeast infections may be a problem.


    • Symptoms associated with a yeast infection of the eye are swelling and a discharge from the affected eye. The dog may also paw at the affected eye because of itching.


    • A yeast infection of the eye may be the result of a yeast overgrowth. Some other contributing factors in yeast infections may be thyroid disorders, overuse of antibiotics and allergies.


    • While yeast infections of the eye are rarely serious, the bacteria (candida albicans) that causes yeast infections may cause glaucoma. Glaucoma involves high pressure in the dog's eye and may lead to blindness. The breeds of dogs that have the highest incidence of glaucoma are cocker spaniels, wire fox terrier, basset hound, Boston terrier, Siberian husky, chow chow, cairn terrier, Norwegian elkhound and the miniature poodle.


    • If your dog has symptoms of a yeast infection of the eye, ear or skin, consult your veterinarian. Eye drops are usually used to treat a yeast infection of the eye. It is important to also identify any other contributing factors such as thyroid disorders or allergies to prevent yeast infections from becoming chronic.