Heartworm SNAP Test Directions

The SNAP Heartworm Test by Idexx Laboratories provides a way to test your dog for heartworms in just a few minutes. By using this test, you will not have to wait for results to come back from a lab while wondering if your dog has this dangerous condition. With just a few drops of blood from your dog, you can perform the SNAP Test and have results in about eight minutes. Most veterinarians offer the Heartworm SNAP Test for a relatively low cost, but you can do it yourself.


    • 1

      Ask a veterinarian to take a blood sample from your dog. Draw the sample into the pipette that is provided in the SNAP test kit. Do not use blood that is clotted.

    • 2

      Dispense three drops of the sample into the provided tube, along with four drops of the conjugate, or serum that comes with the test. Hold the conjugate bottom completely vertical when squeezing the drops inside the tube.

    • 3

      Close the lid on the tube. Hold the tube in your hand by placing your pointer finger on the lid and your thumb on the bottom. Invert the tube four or five times to mix the sample and conjugate together.

    • 4

      Pour the sample into the sample well of the testing device. Be sure you empty out the entire contents of the tube.

    • 5

      Look at the activation circle on the testing device. When the color from the sample first appears in the circle, press the elevated section of the test kit down firmly to activate it. Set a timer for eight minutes.

    • 6

      Observe any color development in the result indicator. A blue circle will appear in the top of the window and to the bottom left or right of a positive sample. If a blue circle appears underneath and to the left of the circle that is displayed at the top of the window, the sample has high antigen levels. If a circle appears under and to the right of the positive sample circle, the sample has low antigen levels. If a circle only appears at the top of the window, the results are negative. If a circle appears in the bottom of the window that is equal to or darker than the already displayed circles in the window, the results are invalid and you should repeat the test.