Symptoms If a Dog Is Allergic to Flea Bites

According to, the number of pets demonstrating allergies is on the rise, and one of the most common allergens is the common flea. There are a total of 15 different agents in the saliva of a flea which may cause an allergic reaction in animals that are bitten. When a dog exhibits sensitivity to fleas, his condition is called flea bite dermatitis.

  1. Seasonality

    • Because fleas typically do not infest animals in the winter, flea bite dermatitis will appear to be a seasonal allergy, with animals presenting their most serious symptoms in late summer and fall, during the peak of flea season.

    Tail biting

    • Dogs that are sensitive to the saliva of fleas will often bite heavily at the base of the tail. Dog owners may witness repeated biting in this location, or may only notice hair thinning in that area.

    Body Itching

    • Dogs that are severally affected will exhibit all-over itching, even in areas where they are not being bitten. These dogs may have a generally thinning coat, and their skin may be dry and flaking or red and inflamed because of the systemic allergic reaction.

    Hot spots

    • Many dogs develop hot spots as a result of flea bite allergies. A hot spot is a localized area with extreme hair loss and skin infection. Hot spots are hot to the touch and often quite swollen.

    Lack of Fleas

    • Dogs with flea bite dermatitis often have very few fleas on their body when inspected; the amount of scratching and itching is excessively disproportional to the apparent infestation. This is because the number of fleas and flea eggs on the body are reduced by the dog's constant licking, scratching and biting behaviors.


    • According to, most veterinarians will do an initial analysis of the symptoms a dog is exhibiting. It the symptoms are consistent with flea bite dermatitis, the veterinarian may also perform a skin test, which will verify the allergy to flea saliva and rule out other conditions or infestations which can cause a similar body of symptoms.


    • Flea bite dermatitis is best treated with prevention. Use insecticides and flea repellent to rid your dog of its current infestation and prevent further colonization. Your veterinarian can recommend a product best suited for your dogs skin type size and individual needs. A veterinarian may also prescribe one of several things which can ease your pets itching while the skin heals. Flea bite dermatitis is a chronic allergy, and continuous preventative measures are a must after diagnosis.