How to Treat Diarrhea in Elderly Dogs

Older dogs may occasionally get diarrhea and need special attention due to their age. Older dogs may not do well with harsher diarrhea medications because they may interact with other medications the dog may be taking. A dog with severe diarrhea, that is, diarrhea with mucus or blood in the stool, or diarrhea that lasts longer than 24 hours or is accompanied by vomiting, needs to be examined by a veterinarian as soon as possible.

Things You'll Need

  • Kaolin product made for dogs
  • Measuring spoons
  • Water
  • Boiled rice and hamburger


    • 1

      Look for signs of dehydration. Sticky gums and skin on the neck that does not snap back in place when gently pulled up are signs of serious dehydration. You need to bring the dog to a veterinarian if this occurs.

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      Give kaolin pectin product to the dog. Follow dosage directions, or give 1 to 2 tsp per 10 pounds of body weight every four hours until the stools have firmed up.

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      Withhold food for 24 hours.

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      Allow the dog to drink as much water as the dog wishes. Continue to watch for signs of dehydration.

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      Bring the dog to a veterinarian for an exam if the diarrhea gets worse or if there is no improvement after 6 hours.

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      After 24 hours, give the dog a small meal of boiled rice and hamburger. If diarrhea starts again, bring the dog to a veterinarian.

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      Feed the dog hamburger and rice the first day after treating the diarrhea. On the second day after diarrhea, mix 10 percent of the dog's regular food into the hamburger and rice mixture (decrease hamburger and rice by 10 percent) to slowly introduce your dog's regular food back.

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      Add 10 percent more of the dog's normal food each subsequent day while decreasing the hamburger and rice 10 percent until the dog is back to eating normally.