What Do You Wash an Itchy Dog With?

Itching is a common ailment and is caused by a number of conditions. The most common problem is fleas, but itching can also be a symptom of dry skin, a fungal infection or allergies.

  1. Soothing Bath

    • If you don't know what is causing the itch, the best solution is a cool water bath with Epsom salts or baking soda. A warm bath will make the itch worse.

    Dry Skin

    • A dog's skin can become dry from over-bathing. Applying a good conditioner after a bath can help. Oatmeal baths and baths with suds made from a Dove bar are also known to soothe the skin.


    • If the dog has fleas, it will likely need what is commonly referred to as a flea bath. According to PetEducation.com, there are several ways to approach this problem, including shampoos and dips. After washing the dog with the product, another approach may be needed to prevent fleas, such as monthly topical products, sprays, collars or oral medications. However, It is best to check with your veterinarian to determine what is the appropriate approach for your pet. Some owners have reported pets experiencing adverse reactions to over-the-counter flea control products.


    • Many of the more common allergies in dogs are similar to human allergies, such as dust mites and pollen. According to PetEducation.com, twenty-percent of the allergies dogs suffer are food-related, including beef, eggs, wheat and soy. The best solution is to keep the dog away from the allergen; however, medication from your veterinarian may be needed. There are also some home remedies that show promise. According to EarthClinic.com, apple cider vinegar has been used as a spray or bath with good results.

    Fungal Infection

    • Fungal infections cause irritated skin, red patches and loss of hair. According to VetInfo.com, the best approach is to shampoo your dog with an anti-fungal shampoo found in most pet stores and then apply a rinse that contains boric acid or chlorhexidine to sooth the skin.