Night Anxiety in Dogs

Dogs are pack animals that don't like being on their own, and this is especially evident at night. Because they nap during the day, it is hard to tell whether dogs who act up at night simply have too much energy or are experiencing night anxiety.

  1. Definition

    • Night anxiety is linked with separation anxiety, which occurs when an overly dependent dog develops a dysfunctional attachment to its owners.


    • Symptoms of night anxiety are signs of distress, including whining, pacing, howling and panting.


    • Causes of night anxiety are manifold. It could be the simple problem of poor training or poor exercise. If it is separation anxiety, then the problem could be an unhealthy relationship between the dog and owner.

    Older Dogs

    • In older dogs, nighttime anxiety may be caused by Canine Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome, a similar condition to Alzheimer's disease, which causes changes in brain function leading to confusion and behavioral changes.


    • If the cause of night anxiety is because of poor training, obedience training sessions, whether administered by you or during classes, can help. If it is because of poor exercise, add a brisk 30 minute walk to the dog's daily routine. Both separation anxiety and CCDS require professional help.