Home Remedies for a Small Dog's Constipation

Constipation occurs in small dogs due to improper food, or lack of digestive system development. When constipation occurs in your small dog, you can try a natural home remedy which may be less harsh than chemically prepared laxatives. Natural remedies can be used at any time, but are more necessary if the dog has not defecated for more than 24 hours. You can usually tell when your dog is constipated if he is straining to pass stools and does not evacuate fully in one bowel movement.

  1. Preventing Constipation

    • While constipation can be cured naturally in small dogs, remember that preventing constipation is the best first line of treatment. Introduce good digestive habits as a puppy. Provide your small dog with a diet high in fiber and vegetables. Exercising, drinking lots of water and being active are also important. At the same time, it is also important to avoid giving your small dog foods that over-exert its digestive system and cause constipation, such as cooked meat bones.


    • Small Dog Paradise suggests a number of home remedies for dog constipation. If your dog does become constipated, pumpkin is a very effective natural method of clearing constipation. Canned pumpkin is available at most supermarkets. Look for a brand that contains pumpkin extract and that is free of chemicals. Mix one teaspoon of the canned pumpkin with the dog̵7;s food and administer the pumpkin every time he eats for two to three days. This helps relieve the hardened stools and eliminate constipation. The Puppy Dog Place suggests that olive oil is another equally effective substance. This is useful as a natural method of curing constipation because it can remove obstacles in the digestive tract that could be causing the constipation. Half a teaspoon of olive oil can be mixed with the dog̵7;s food until he is able to defecate without difficulty. Small Dog Paradise also states that milk of magnesia is another effective natural remedy. It helps soothe the digestive track. Finally, you can also try out extracts that are rich in folic acids and acidophilus.

    Visiting the Vet

    • Vet Info states that while home treatment methods can sometimes be effective, it is also important to be aware when a dog needs to go to the vet. If your small dog remains constipated for more than two or three days, the hardened stools could be symptoms of other ailments in the digestive system such as an obstructed bowel or intestine. As a result, it is best to see a vet if the problem persists.