What Can I Give a Puppy for Vomiting?

Most puppies vomit at some time for various reasons. Vomiting is a symptom of another problem. Your puppy could have swallowed a foreign object he is trying to expel. He may have gotten into something poisonous. Vomiting could also be a sign of other serious internal problems. What to give your puppy depends on the cause of the vomiting.

  1. Parasites Most Common Reason

    • Parasites are the most common reason puppies vomit. Take your puppy to a veterinarian and bring a stool sample with you to be tested. The veterinarian will test for the type of parasites and prescribe the correct medication. Once the parasites are cleared up the vomiting should stop.

    Other Causes of Vomiting

    • Other causes of vomiting in puppies are change of diet, infection, viruses or something stuck in the intestines. The problem can be mild or severe.

    Typical Remedies for Vomiting

    • A veterinarian might prescribe an antacid, anti-vomiting medication or sometimes antibiotics. Only a veterinarian can prescribe the right treatment.

    Warning: Parvo

    • Don't wait to see a veterinarian if your puppy has some of these other symptoms in addition to vomiting: lethargy, fever, diarrhea, not eating, dehydration.

    Bottom Line

    • Take your puppy to a veterinarian who can determine the cause of the vomiting. Your veterinarian will we be able to prescribe the right treatment.