Is Thirst a Sign of a Thyroid Problem in Dogs?

When a dog drinks water excessively, something may not be right with the animal. The dog may be trying, naturally, to fix a problem. The owner should intervene and find out if the increased thirst may be a sign of something wrong. Normally this does not indicate a thyroid problem.

  1. Causes of Thyroid Problems in Dogs

    • Thyroid problems in dogs are usually caused by either atrophy of the thyroid gland or difficulty producing and secreting hormones from the gland.


    • Typical symptoms of thyroid problems in dogs are weight gain and obesity, lethargy, hair loss, high blood cholesterol and skin problems.

    Excessive Thirst

    • Excessive thirst is not a symptom of thyroid problems in dogs, although it can be a symptom of other serious conditions.

    Causes of Excessive Thirst

    • Common causes of excessive thirst in dogs are kidney disease, Cushing's syndrome, excessive salt in the diet, anxiety and diabetes.

    Ways to Help

    • If the cause of excessive thirst is too much salt in the dog's diet, changing the diet should resolve the problem. Some canine treats, in particular, are excessively high in sodium. If the problem persists more than a couple of days, have your pet checked by a veterinarian.