How to Diagnose Hookworms in Dogs

Hookworms attach themselves to a dog's intestinal walls and survive on the dog's blood. The worms are considered one of the most common internal parasites in dogs. There are three types of hookworms: Ancylostoma caninum, Ancylostoma braziliense and Uncinaria stenocephala.


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      Look for signs of anemia, such as pale gums, weakness and tar-like stool. Anemia is one of the signs specific to hookworms (the only other internal parasite that has anemia as a symptom is whipworms), as opposed to signs of other parasites.

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      Pay attention to your dog's outward appearance; look for signs of poor health, such as a dull coat and weight loss. Puppies often stop growing.

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      Watch for vomiting and diarrhea. Though these symptoms alone are seen in several infections that affect dogs, the symptoms combined with those above can indicate hookworm infection.

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      Listen for coughing. This can mean the hookworm infection has become especially severe and that the hookworms have entered the dog's lungs.

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      Have your veterinarian perform a fecal exam to look for hookworms.