How to Detect an Ear Infection in a Boxer Dog

An ear infection is a painful and irritating experience for a dog. Knowing how to identify the early signs of an ear infection can help you keep your dog from developing a serious one that will require a trip to the vet. Paying close attention to your boxer dog's behavior can help alert you to signs of problems that you may otherwise miss. Regular ear examinations are also important. Preventing ear infections in a boxer dog is an important part of keeping him healthy.


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      Pay attention to the behavior of your dog. If your boxer is scratching its ears more than is normal, begins rubbing its head on furniture, acting irritated or uncomfortable, or begins to lose its balance, it may have an ear infection. Check your boxer dog's ears.

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      Look at the skin inside your dog's ears. The skin should be pink and healthy looking; if it is red or inflamed, it is likely that your dog has an ear infection.

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      Pay attention to the amount of wax in your boxer dog's ears. A small amount of yellowish wax is normal, but wax buildup is unhealthy. Cleaning the skin just inside your dog's ears with cotton balls can help prevent the buildup of soil and wax which can lead to infections.

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      Smell your boxer dog's ears. An ear infection in any dog will produce an unpleasant odor. If your dog's ears smell bad and they exhibit other symptoms of an ear infection, he will need to be treated by a veterinarian.