Home Remedy for Coughs and Colds in Dogs

When your dog is suffering through a cough, the whole family is affected. It will become annoying for you and your family, and be very painful for the dog. There are treatments available that you can use to suppress his cough and you do not need to get them from your veterinarian.

  1. Humidifier

    • As with humans when they are suffering through a cough, a canine cough can be quite annoying and somewhat painful. There are many home treatments available for humans, but not too many for dogs. The few treatments that are available, though, work extremely well. One, for instance, is adding a humidifier to your home to put more moisture in the air. This will lubricate both your and your dog's airways, relieving even the worst of coughs. For intense humidity treatments, put a humidifier into a very small room with your dog and allow him to breathe the moisture in. His cough should go away after a week or so of treatments. If it does not, you need to contact your veterinarian.

    Vapor Rub

    • Another treatment available for dogs that can be very useful in suppressing a cough is using a vapor rub that the dog will inhale. There are a variety of different vapor rubs on the market that will do the trick--generics will work just as well as the name brands. To properly apply, rub a small dab of the vapor rub onto your dog's chest and back and place him into a very small room so as the vapors will quickly fill the room. Your dog will breathe in the vapors and the healing enzymes found within those vapors will suppress the cough.

    Vitamin C

    • The best way to treat a dog cough, is to prevent it all together. This can be done by building up his immune system with vitamin C. You can use the same vitamin C supplements that you take for your dog to make sure he is getting the proper amount of vitamin C. There are also supplements available made strictly for canines.