Phenylbutazone for Dogs

Phenylbutazone, or "bute," is a type of pain reliever called a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). According to "The Pill Book Guide to Medication or Your Dog and Cat," it is most often given to dogs to ease the pain of osteoarthritis.

  1. Types

    • Phenylbutazone comes in tablets and in an injectable format. There is a paste form for horses, but it is far too strong for dogs and can cause an overdose.


    • According to Dr. Dawn Ruben, 7 to 10 mg of Phenylbutazone is given for every pound the dog weighs but cannot exceed 800 mg. It is given every eight to 12 hours.


    • Symptoms of a "bute" overdose in dogs include rapid panting, seizures, sudden lowering of blood pressure and eventually coma caused by kidney failure. Contact a veterinarian or pet poison control center immediately if a dog begins these symptoms.

    Side Effects

    • Contact a vet immediately if the dog begins vomiting blood, has a change in appetite or has diarrhea.


    • Phenylbutazone can be deadly to puppies and to dogs suffering from bleeding disorders such as Van Willebrand's disease. Phenylbutazone should never be combined with another NSAID.