Dachshund Hair Loss

Dachshund's are a popular breed because they are generally well mannered and can make for a great pet. The American Kennel Club notes that these energetic dogs were originally bred in Germany in the 1600s for hunting. Like any purebred dog, some aliments are common in dachshunds. Spine problems and obesity (which can lead to skin problems) are some of the more common issues for this breed.

  1. Causes

    • When you notice your dog is losing his hair, you will first need to identify the cause of the hair loss. The University of Tennessee's College of Veterinary Medicine notes that your dog could be biting his fur (most likely due to an itching problem), or his hair may be falling out on it's own due to a skin infection.


    • Due to the breed's small short stature, your dachshund is more likely to become obese if she does not exercise regularly. Excessive weight gain is one of the leading factors to many health issues for dachshunds, including back problems and skin conditions. A short walk daily can help keep her active and healthy.

    Acanthosis Nigricans

    • Acanthosis nigricans is a skin condition that causes the skin to become dark or black in coloration, tough, and can prevent hair growth in the affected area. In dogs, acanthosis nigricans has two types: a primary form (found in dachshunds) and a secondary form that any dog can develop. The common form of acanthosis nigricans can be treated. However, the genetic version that dachshunds are prone to has no cure. The Dachshund World website notes that the primary form is found in puppies under a year in age and can be treated with "steroids, melatonin injections, and frequent anti-seborrheic shampoos."

    Allergic Reaction

    • Like humans, dogs can have allergic reactions to certain metals or other materials. If your dog's collar causes irritation from rubbing, be sure the collar is not too tight on his neck. If redness, irritation and hair loss occur, discontinue the use of that particular collar until your veterinarian is able to examine your dog.


    • Treating hair loss of any kind means paying close attention to any behavioral or physical changes in your dog. If your Dachshund starts to favor one side of her body or is licking a wound that won't go away, check her entire body for any injuries or abnormalities. Hair loss is a a fairly easy condition to note as hair loss will alter your dog's appearance. Even if you are unsure of when his hair loss started, it is best to seek medical treatment from your local veterinarian as soon as possible.