Ivermectin Ear Mite Medication

Ivermectin is a generic, injectable, prescription medication known as an anti-parasitic drug. In addition to preventing heartworms and eliminating mange, veterinarians prescribe ivermectin to treat ear mites in dogs and cats.

  1. Function

    • Ivermectin functions by disrupting the nervous system activity in the microscopic ticks that cause ear mites, explains PetPlace.com. The effects of the drug paralyze the parasites and eventually cause them to die.


    • Veterinarians typically administer an injection of ivermectin every week or every other week, reports Mar Vista Animal Medical Center. The number of shots necessary to treat the condition varies based upon the severity of the condition, but usually two to four injections are necessary.


    • Ivermectin is an effective alternative ear mite treatment for dogs or cats that will not hold still for their owners to administer ear drops or other topical medications, according to Mar Vista Animal Medical Center.


    • Some animals experience severe reactions to ivermectin, such as pupil dilation, lack of coordination, difficulty breathing and death. Collies, Shetland sheepdogs, Australian shepherds and Old English sheepdogs are most susceptible to these reactions.


    • According to the Mar Vista Animal Medical Center, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has not approved ivermectin for the treatment of ear mites in dogs or cats.