How Can You Tell if a Dog Has Heartworms?

Heartworm disease is a serious illness caused by parasites that are transmitted by mosquitoes. According to Rutgers University, heartworms travel through the bloodstream and enter the heart. Treating heartworm disease can be difficult, because the medication is toxic to the dog as well as the parasites. Rutgers warns that if left untreated, this disease will eventually kill your dog. Instead of risking your dog's health, treat him regularly with preventative heartworm medication.


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      Take your dog to his vet for regular checkups. According to Michigan State University, if your dog has acute heartworm disease, he may exhibit no detectable symptoms. A vet's diagnosis is the only way to know for sure if your dog has heartworms.

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      Evaluate how your dog reacts to physical activity. If he seems more sluggish than before, or if he appears to have problems with walking or running normal distances, this may be a sign of a moderate to severe case of heartworm disease.

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      Listen to your dog's breathing. According to Michigan State University, if he begins to cough, this could indicate mild to severe heartworm disease. With more severe cases, he may have trouble breathing and you may notice abnormal lung noises. Severe cases of heartworms may also cause abnormal heart sounds.