Dog Is Coughing & Sneezing

Dogs often cough or sneeze because they have something stuck in their throats, or an air pollutant is irritating their nasal passages. Chronic sneezing and coughing could be signs of a more serious medical issue.

  1. Considerations

    • Common causes of both coughing and sneezing in dogs include allergies, rhinovirus, respiratory tract infection, kennel cough and Streptococci.

    Time Frame

    • A dog that coughs and sneezes occasionally does not usually require medical attention. If the coughing and sneezing lasts more than 24 hours, a vet trip is in order.


    • If the coughing and sneezing becomes severe, the dog needs to see a vet. Repeated coughing and sneezing, or the presence of a fever, indicates an underlying medical condition.


    • Yearly vaccinations protect dogs against kennel cough and other diseases that cause upper respiratory tract infections. Dogs commonly catch cold-like illnesses from boarding facilities or shelters, so keep your dog away from these places if possible.


    • Keep your dog away from other dogs as canine cold viruses are highly contagious.