Holistic medicine, founded by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann in the 1800s, is based on the principle that "like cures like." He theorized that the body, if stimulated properly, could heal itself. Mange infestation of microscopic insects, which burrow into the skin, is just one condition in which holistic medicines can aid the body in healing itself.
Use essential oils in the prevention of mange. As preventative measures, certain essential oils repel external parasites. They include cedarwood, eucalyptus, terebinth, lemon, rosemary and lavender. They can be applied through massage or brushed into the fur when added to water (three drops per 150 ml of water). Rosemary or penny royal should never be used on pregnant animals.
Give one dose a week of sulfur to prevent flea infestations and Comocladia or Arum triph to relieve the irritation to the skin caused by the mites.
According to TheWholeDog.org founder Dr. Jeanette Thomason, "mites feed on the yeast living in the body." Grain-based diets contribute to yeast infections, so begin treatment by feeding a raw meat diet or a home-cooked diet free of vegetables and grains. Additionally, administer burdock root, yellow dock tincture and dried dandelion to heal the animal's dry, flaky skin. Crumble the dried dandelion into its food and add 1-2 drops of burdock root and yellow dock tinctures to its drinking water daily.
Bathe the pet using garlic, licorice oil or cider vinegar to eliminate mites. Bathing in diluted cider vinegar aids in eliminating mites. Mix 1 teaspoon per 2.5 cups of water. Garlic, which contains mite-killing sulfur, also is effective in treating mange. Diluted garlic oil can be applied topically to the affected areas. Garlic also prevents secondary bacterial infections caused from biting and scratching. Licorice oil can be used if the animal is sensitive to garlic.
Topical Treatments
The combination of one part lavender oil, nine parts almond oil and one part neem oil is a good topical treatment for mange. For best results, apply it twice daily. Ten drops of Yellow dock extract (to eliminate toxins), echinacea extract (to boost the immune system) and Yarrow (to stop sores from bleeding) can each be mixed in 4 ounces of distilled water. Apply the solution to the affected areas twice a day.