Allergies to Fleas

According to, flea allergies are one of the most common allergic reactions in dogs. Dogs with flea allergies exhibit extreme itchiness when bitten.

  1. Significance

    • Dogs with flea allergies react to the flea's saliva. These dogs do not need to be infested with fleas to have a reaction. Even one or two bites is enough to make them itchy.


    • Common symptoms of flea allergies in dogs include itching, chewing on the tail and hindquarters, skin damage from itching and lesions.


    • It is common for dogs with flea allergies to suffer from secondary skin infections because the excessive scratching breaks the skin, making it susceptible to other bacteria.


    • The best way to stop itchiness is to prevent fleas from biting your dog. There are various flea powders and medicines you can use to stop fleas from biting.


    • It is also important to regularly clean your house. If you vacuum and clean your carpets, it can kill the fleas that lay eggs inside your house.