Tavist Usage for Canine Allergies

Allergies are a common problem experienced by dogs. Your dog's allergies can be treated easily and effectively by a veterinarian. One possible treatment option is prescription allergy medication, such as Tavist.

  1. Function

    • Tavist is an antihistimine drug formulated for use in humans. This drug is safe and effective for use in dogs when prescribed and used as directed by a veterinarian.


    • Tavist is one brand name of this antihistimine; other names include Antihist-I, Dayhist or Clemastine.

    Side Effects

    • Drug allergies, sedation, lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea and loss of appetite are side effects experienced by some animals given Tavist.


    • Using a dose of Tavist that is too low for your dog will result in a less effective treatment. Your veterinarian can tell you the proper dosage to use for your dog's needs.


    • Tavist is unsafe for dogs who suffer from glaucoma, heart disease, high blood pressure, lung disease or prostate enlargement.