What Are the Treatments for Dog Mange Using Taktic?

Mites, bugs and other pesky critters on your dog could be a result of what is known in the veterinarian world a "dog mange." Also known as canine scabies, mange is a skin disease caused by mites that invade your dog's body. It causes severe itching as well as hair loss. Mites can be removed, however, with products such as Taktic, which come in the form of a flea dip for your dog.

  1. Taktic

    • You can find Taktic products, produced by the Intervet company, in any pet store or by doing an online search. When you are looking for the Taktic brand name for dog mange, avoid the Taktic E.C. products. These are specially made for beef and dairy cattle along with swine and are not meant to put on dogs as they may cause fatal colon compaction.

      Taktic dip for dogs is advertised as having the ability to control your dog's fleas and lice along with other symptoms of mange. Don't use this product on small dogs such as Chihuahuas or ones suffering from heat stress. Do not use on cats.

      Wear rubber gloves when handling Taktic dip. Avoid contact with your skin, and immediately rinse and wash thoroughly with soap and hot water. Dilute the Taktic with the necessary amount of water indicated on the package and mix in a plastic bucket. Do not use with any other dips. Wash your dog in warm water and a gentle cleanser before giving him a dip. Apply the product afterward and leave on for the indicated amount of time. Use this product until the symptoms have cleared up.


    • You can prevent mange before it happens. Keep your dog in a clean and well-kept area. Take your dog to a vet regularly and give him baths according to what your vet advises. Regular brushing can also help prevent the infestation of mites in your dog's hair. For long-haired dogs, brush their hair before a bath to ensure they are getting a deep clean.