Puppy Skin Problems

Having a puppy, or a litter of puppies, can be fun and exciting, but comes with its own set of restrictions and complications. Because they live in an environment that is crowded, warm and usually moist, puppies can fall prey to a range of skin disorders.

  1. The Facts

    • As animals that have regular access to dirty environments like the yard, puppies can be prone to diseases that are caused by fungus, bacteria and parasites. In puppies, who haven't yet had a chance to gain strong immune systems, problems like pyoderma and mange can strike quickly.


    • Pyoderma is a staph infection to which puppies are particularly prone. This bacteria thrives in moist areas, and can be aggravated by the mother dog licking her puppies. It occurs most often along a puppy's trunk and chin, and presents as itchy, scabby yellow pustules on the puppy's skin. It can lead to hair loss and disfiguration.

    Skin-Fold Pyoderma

    • Skin-fold pyoderma is a specific type of pyoderma that strikes only in a puppy's wrinkles, and so often stays undiscovered. This type of pyoderma only strikes heavily wrinkled puppies like bulldogs and boxers.

    Mange and Scabies

    • Mange and scabies are related skin disorders that occur very often in puppies, who live in a warm, humid environment that fosters the issue. Mange and scabies are caused by sarcoptic mange mites that dig into a puppy's skin to suck blood and lay eggs. This causes intense itching and skin that is red, irritated and flaky. Mange usually occurs on a puppy's chest, face and ears.


    • For pyoderma, vets prescribe antibacterial washes and ointments. Owners of puppies are taught how to watch and supervise infected areas, and to keep them well medicated. They are also advised to change the puppy's environment, to get more air circulation for the infected areas.

      For mange and scabies, the treatments are much the same. Miticides, or medicated washes, are prescribed for the puppy. These are highly toxic, and are sometimes replaced by more holistic methods like enzyme shampoos or vegetable oil. All treatments are meant to kill the mites that are causing the problem.


    • Both pyoderma and mange are highly contagious. Pyoderma is spread from one puppy to the next through physical contact and the mother dog bathing the puppies. The mites that cause mange spread through physical contact and through any bedding that the puppies might share. When one puppy is treated for any of these conditions. the other puppies in the litter are generally treated as well.