Massage Treatment for Dogs That Have Seizures

Canine seizures can be very scary for both the dog and the owner. Finding out the cause of the seizure is the first step in treating it. Massage therapy can aid in helping the dog cope with the symptoms of a seizure and live a happier life.

  1. What Is a Seizure?

    • According to the Canine Epilepsy website, canine seizures are caused by a storm of electricity in the brain. The cells in the brain can become too excited, leading to a seizure. On an electroencephalogram (EEG), the seizure will show as sharp spikes in the brain wave.
      When this happens, the dog's muscles begin to stiffen and he falls to the floor. Although he is not in physical pain, he will show jerking movements with loss of urinary or bowel control.

    Cause Of A Seizure

    • A dog can have a seizure for many different reasons, including epilepsy, toxins from plants or chemicals, metabolic problems, head trauma or infections of the brain.
      Only a veterinarian can diagnose the reason for a seizure after a series of tests.

    Common Seizure Treatments

    • Phenobarbital is the most common medicinal treatment for canine seizures, says Canine Epilepsy. It is very effective, and fairly inexpensive.
      Potassium bromade was one of the first antiepileptic drugs used. It was originally used to treat humans, but proved to cause psychological problems. Dogs tend to not suffer the same psychological effects from the drug as humans do.
      Diazepam is generic for valium, and is very effective in treating seizures. The only problem with this drug is that its effectiveness may wear off after time.

    Massage Therapy for Seizures

    • Not been much research has been done on using massage therapy to treat seizures in dogs. Canine Epilepsy states that although massage therapy will typically not cause harm to the dog, you should use it alongside medicinal drugs, and not as a substitute for the seizure medication.
      The Paschelke website recalls a case of a cocker spaniel suffering a seizure. Her owner began to massage her neck and vertebrae and the muscles relaxed. When the massaging stopped, the seizure returned. Another massage concentrating on the neck and spine caused the seizure to cease again. The dog suffered another seizure two weeks later and the massage treatment proved effective again.

    Effects Of A Massage

    • Many benefits are reaped from a massage. These include increased flexibility, reduced pain, increased blood and lymphatic circulation, increased circulation of the nervous system, an overall calming effect, enhanced healing time and fewer complications from disease.
      The type of massage technique used is based on the individual dog's needs.

    Before Using Massage Therapy

    • Before choosing to use massage therapy, you should consult with your veterinarian to find out the specific reasons behind your dog's seizures. Massage therapy should not be used as a substitute for veterinary care. The effects of a massage may aid in the symptoms of a seizure, but have not been proven to prevent the seizures from occurring.