What Are the Causes of Pug Dogs Having Spotty Hair Loss?

As a breed, pug dogs are prone to having skin issues. Some of these problems present themselves as spots of hair loss on the skin. Most of the culprits of these skin issues require treatment from a veterinarian to resolve. If the pug is experiencing hair loss, chances are it is itchy, irritated and uncomfortable, and the sooner treatment of the skin disorder begins, the sooner the pug experiences relief. Therefore, take your pug to the veterinarian at the first sign of spotty hair loss.

  1. Allergies

    • According to PugMan.com, most pugs develop some sort of allergy. A pug can have an allergic reaction to allergens the environment, fleas and components in its food. A pug may experience spotty hair loss due to scratching caused by irritated and inflamed skin caused by allergens, such as pollen and dust. In addition, a pug may suffer from this type of hair loss because of a protein in its food, such as beef or chicken, or the saliva from a flea bite has caused its skin to react in an irritating way. Treatment for the allergy depends upon its cause. Typically, antihistamines are the first treatment for allergies. If it is food creating the problem, place the pug on a diet containing a protein it hasn't had before, such as rabbit or venison. Additionally, flea allergy treatment often lies in preventing the infestation in the first place, and treating the dog with steroids and antibiotics if needed.

    Hot Spots

    • A hot spot is a circular lesion that is hairless, red and typically has a discharge. Hot spots are typically the result of moisture in the skin, which is common for pugs because of their double coats. In addition, they can also be secondary to another issue, such as allergies. Clean the hot spot with peroxide and treat it by applying antibiotic ointment or the inside of a vitamin E capsule. However, if the hot spot looks infected or is causing the pug a large amount of pain, have it treated by a veterinarian.


    • Ringworm is a contagious fungus that can occur in dogs, cats and humans. It appears as circular lesions absent of hair. Often, the lesions are red, scaly and crusty, states PetEducation.com. To confirm your pug has ringworm, a doctor can perform a black light examination, and will likely culture a few hair samples to see if there is a fungus. Shampoos, creams, ointments and oral medications often resolve ringworm. Since the pug can spread the ringworm to you and others in the household, consider separating it until cured.