Mange on Pets

Mange is an irritating skin disease that is common in both dogs and cats alike. If this disease is not treated in a timely manner it can become fatal to these animals.

  1. Sarcoptic Mange

    • This type of mange can cause the animals skin to be itchy. Initial signs of infection can be located around the stomach and elbows of the infected animal.

    Notoedric Mange

    • Known to affect cats more so than dogs, this mange can be extremely itchy and cause serious harm to their skin due to scratching and biting.

    Red Mange

    • This is a non-contiguous type of mange that usually occurs in animals one year of age or younger. Initial signs of this type of mange can be found around the animals head and legs.

    Cures for Mange

    • When an animal has mange, one option for a cure is to visit your local veterinarian for treatment. Another proven treatment for mange in dogs or cats is cattle dip; simply apply the dip two or three times a week for a period of approximately three weeks or until there are no further signs of infection.

    Possible Health Risk to Humans

    • Sarcoptic mange mites can affect humans and cause itching for a few weeks, however, the mite will quickly die as it can not survive on human skin.