Projectile Vomiting in Dogs

Projectile vomiting is the sudden and powerful expulsion of food from a dog̵7;s stomach and lower intestine. It may be upsetting to witness your dog experiencing this but take heed as it may signal the presence of a serious health problem. Consult your veterinarian anytime your dog vomits explosively, especially if it appears to catch him by surprise.

  1. Surprise Symptoms

    • When dogs are nauseous, they may drool or swallow excessively. Some dogs appear anxious when they are nauseous. They may pace, try to go outside or seek comfort and reassurance from their owner. However, projectile vomiting often occurs without causing nausea. If you do not observe any of these signs before your dog vomits forcefully, your dog likely is exhibiting projectile vomiting. However, it is important to understand the differences between regurgitation and vomiting, as regurgitation may occur suddenly without being cause for concern.

    Common Causes

    • Intestinal obstruction is often the cause for projectile vomiting in dogs. This usually happens when a dog swallows a foreign and inedible object, such as a coin, toy or piece of plastic. However, tumors, scar tissue and twists in the intestinal tract can cause projectile vomiting. In addition to projectile vomiting, dogs with obstructed digestive systems often appear bloated, and have tender or painful abdomens. If the obstruction occurs low enough in the intestines, the vomit may smell like or contain feces. Consult your veterinarian for a treatment plan.


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