What Are the Treatments for a Vomiting Dog?

Vomiting in dogs can be caused by a number of factors. Your dog may vomit from overeating, eating indigestible materials, consuming foods that irritate the stomach lining, illness, or even stress or excitement. As there are many factors that can contribute to dog vomiting, there are also many treatments used to stop and control the condition.

  1. Withhold Food

    • One of the most common treatments of vomiting in dogs is to withhold food for at least 24 hours. It is generally recommended that when withholding food to treat vomiting, you also limit the amount of water consumed by your dog. Provide your dog with small amounts of water every few hours to help it stay hydrated. By withholding food, your dog's digestive system is able to rest, which often helps remedy the cause of vomiting.

    Bland Diet

    • After withholding food for a 24-hour period, feeding your dog a diet of bland foods can help stop vomiting and prevent it from returning. Foods like boiled brown rice or boiled hamburger can provide the nutrition your dog needs, but are mild on your pet's stomach. Feed the dog small amounts of food at a time to prevent shocking its system. Once it is clear that the vomiting will not recur, you can slowly switch your dog back to its normal diet.

    Dietary Changes

    • If your dog is vomiting due to an inability to digest certain foods, it may become necessary to modify its diet. Your veterinarian will be able to perform tests to determine if your dog has intolerance to a specific food and recommend what type of diet will be best for it to consume.


    • If a bacterial infection is the cause of your dog's upset stomach and vomiting, your veterinarian may provide antibiotics to destroy the harmful bacteria. In the event that the intestines or stomach were injured, such as by eating a foreign object, antibiotics may also be administered to help prevent the bacteria from entering the blood stream.

    Over-the-Counter Medications

    • There are some over-the-counter medications that can be provided to help soothe your dog's stomach and ease vomiting. Kaopectate and Pepto-Bismol, both common medications used to treat upset stomach in humans, can also be administered to dogs to provide the same relief. Approximately 1 tsp. per 15 pounds of body weight is a standard dosage, though you should always consult with your veterinarian for her dosage recommendation before giving your dog any medication designed for a human.