What Does Average Daily Temperature Mean?

Average daily temperature is a measurement used to determine what body temperature is normal for an individual dog.

  1. Average Range

    • The average temperature range for a dog is 100 to 102 degrees Fahrenheit (37.8 to 38.5 degrees Celsius). An individual animal's normal temperature will fall somewhere in that range.

    Daily Recording

    • To get an average daily temperature, the animal's temperature is taken every day for seven days. The sum of those readings is divided by seven to come up with the average.

    At Rest

    • The daily temperature to determine the average is taken at the same time each day and while the dog is resting. The average daily temperature would be inaccurate if it were taken during extremes, such as right after strenuous exercise.


    • Some dogs have normal temperatures of 102 degrees. Some have normal temperatures at the low end of the range, closer to 100 degrees.

    Use of Average Daily Temperature

    • Taking the temperature is one of the first things on the list of actions taken to determine illness. Knowing a dog's average daily temperature and comparing it to the temperature at the time of suspected illness can help determine whether or not the dog is ill and to what degree.