How to Treat Staph in Dogs

Staph infections are one of the most common types of bacterial skin diseases in dogs. They can be caused by allergies, a poor immune system, stress, hormonal problems or lack of grooming. Look for reddish, crusty areas where the dog scratches and is losing hair. They can occur on any area of the dog's body. Staph infections are not contagious to other pets in your home or humans. Because staph infections can become increasingly worse if not treated immediately, take your dog to the veterinarian at the first sign of a staph infection.

Things You'll Need

  • Antibacterial ointment
  • Anti-allergen dog shampoo
  • Bandage or protective collar


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      Administer medication to your dog as instructed by the veterinarian. The veterinarian will probably prescribe oral antibiotics that can be given with food if the dog refuses to swallow the pills. An antibiotic cream can also be prescribed by the veterinarian, which you will need to rub onto the area of infection. The antibiotics and cream will be given/applied for up to six weeks.

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      Bathe your dog once a week to help treat the staph infection. A shampoo that helps alleviate itching and reduce allergens should be used. You can ask your veterinarian which one he may recommend, but these type of shampoos are commonly sold at pet shops.

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      Ask the veterinarian what diet is best for the dog to help reduce possibilities of future staph infections. A diet with additional fatty acids or oils can help reduce itching and scratching of the skin.

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      Wrap the area with a bandage or have the dog wear a protective collar so that your dog doesn't bit or scratch the affected area. If your dog continues to bite or scratch the infected area, the condition will get worse and need additional treatment. Antibacterial ointment may need to be applied regularly for an additional two to three months if the dog continues to want to scratch and bite. Your veterinarian should determine how long the dog will need to wear the collar or bandage to protect the areas on the body from getting worse.