How to Troubleshoot a Broken Wire in a Dog Fence

Your dog fence is supposed to protect your dog from the outside world by keeping him in and keeping other things out. If you have a wire fence, but some wires are broken, there are several ways to troubleshoot the fence. Even a small hole in a fence can lead to problems, as dogs can chew on these places or use their claws to make holes bigger. So, you should troubleshoot broken wires as soon as you notice them.


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      Try to bend any bent wires back into place. If you use your fingers and gently try to pry the wires into place, they might easily move. Once they are back in place, use small wire twist ties or wire ties to keep the broken wire where it is supposed to be.

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      Use a wire clippers to clip off any wires that are broken and cannot be reattached. If the hole is small enough that your dog won't get out, you can leave the hole. If it is big, use a piece of chicken wire or rabbit fencing and attach it to the fence with wire pieces.

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      Secure loose wires in the fence by taking wire ties and reinforcing where the wires are attached to the fence. If you reinforce loose wires before they become fully broken, you'll have less of a chance of having problems with the wires in general.

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      Attach chicken wire or rabbit fencing in areas where your dog is prone to chewing or pulling on the fence wires. This will help keep wires from breaking in the first place and will reinforce areas where there might be broken wires.