Antibiotics for Dogs With Mange

When treating mange in dogs, veterinarians generally take a two-pronged approach. Since mange is a skin disease caused by parasitic mites, it's important to administer treatment to remove the mites as well as treat the skin for any infection and inflammation caused by excessive scratching. There are many safe and effective antibiotics that can help heal the skin. See your dog's vet to discuss the best treatment option for your pet.

  1. Amoxicillin

    • Amoxicillin is a penicillin antibiotic commonly used on bacterial infections. It's given orally, in pill form, and the most common dosage is 5mg per 10 pounds of body weight every 12 hours. It won't kill the mites, but it will treat skin issues. It's quickly absorbed and spreads easily throughout the body for all-over relief. It should not be administered to dogs that are allergic to penicillin. Side effects are generally mild and can include nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite or diarrhea. Less common side effects can include rapid heartbeat, labored breathing, facial swelling or rashes.


    • Cephalexin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic prescribed to treat skin infections caused by bacteria. It won't treat mite infestations, but will help clear up the secondary skin issues and prevent bacteria from spreading. It's a good choice if your pet is allergic to penicillin. It's given by mouth twice a day, and the prescription should be finished to ensure that the infection is completely healed. If you miss a dose, wait until the next dosage is scheduled to be given. Overdosing on this medication can cause serious side effects such as muscle weakness and seizures.


    • Simplicef is a convenient, effective antibiotic that helps kill bacteria and treat staph infections. This drug is a great choice if your dog has difficulty swallowing pills or if you'd like to give medications less often, since it's only one pill, and it's administered once a day. It should be given with food for more efficient absorption. It's coated to help make it easier to swallow. The incidence of side effects such as vomiting and diarrhea is very low.


    • Lincocin is an antibiotic that targets bacterial infections in the skin. It heals wounds and is used when infections are particularly resistant to other drugs. It's absorbed quickly and efficiently for rapid healing. It's administered orally, in pill form. Side effects of this medication can include diarrhea, facial swelling and fever. As with all drugs, be sure to tell your vet the names of the other medications your dog takes to determine potential negative drug interactions.