Diseases That Dogs Can Get

Dogs get sick for a number of reasons, just like humans. Causes include parasites, viruses, bacteria, fungus and protozoans. The best way to ensure your dog's health is to have your dog vaccinated and know the signs and symptoms that indicate when he is sick. When your dog does displays symptoms, promptly take it to the veterinarian.

  1. Viral

    • Distemper is considered the most widespread and dangerous disease to the dog population. It attacks the respiratory, gastrointestinal and central nervous systems. It is highly contagious and is spread through the air, feces and urine, and by contact with infected objects such as bedding and toys. The symptoms include congested lungs, nasal discharge, gunk and goop around the eyes, vomiting and diarrhea. There is no cure. It is prevented by vaccination.

      Canine parovirus is a highly contagious viral infection that attacks the intestinal track, white blood cells and the heart. Puppies are particularly at risk. It is contracted by contact with infected feces or infected objects such as shoes, The symptoms develop five to seven days after the exposure. Symptoms include vomiting, bloody diarrhea, depression and severe dehydration. There is no cure although antibiotics are often used. Prevent the disease through vaccination.


    • Lyme disease is a bacterial disease caused by tick bites. It is the most common tick disease in the Northern Hemisphere. Lyme disease is more serious in humans than it is in dogs. The best prevention is to inspect your dogs for ticks and to use a chemical treatment on your dog that prevents ticks. Lyme disease symptoms include lethargy, joint pain and lack of appetite. It is treated with antibiotics.

      Ehrlichioisis or canine typhus is caused by bites from brown dog ticks. Symptoms develop one to two weeks after the infection and include fever, bleeding, nasal and eye discharges. The disease can lead to severe neurological and kidney disorders. It can be treated with antibiotics, blood transfusions and steroids.


    • Ringworm is one of the most common afflictions that plague dogs. It is an infection of the skin that is caused by fungal species. Symptoms and signs include hair loss and itchy skin. It is treated with medication.

      Mange is caused by tiny mites that inhabit the dog's fur and hair follicles. Symptoms include hair loss, skin lesions, and dry, crusty skin. Mange is a common problem for puppies. The problem usually cures itself and the infestation will clear up in several weeks. Use a medicated shampoo for minor and more localized cases.

    Kennel Cough

    • Kennel cough is a general term that covers several infectious agents that include various bacteria and viruses. This is more of an annoyance for you and your dog rather than a serious illness. It usually lasts between one to three weeks.